We love long weekends!

One of the best feelings in the world when you have that extra day to do nothing. Absolutely nothing! But while we look forward to the long weekend, most of us end up wasting it trying to finish chores or just sleeping!

Of course, completing pending tasks and catching up on sleep is important;
however, you don’t want to look back and think that you could’ve done a lot more with your time.
So here’s a list of things you can spend your time doing.
1. Read a Book to Unwind
long weekend ideas- read a book
Books can transform your state of mind by carrying you into a different world. Reading can make you forget all your worries and help reduce stress.
Download an e-book or an audio book and curl up in your favorite corner and let your mind travel!

2. Sleep In And Relax
sleeping cat
You have an extra day to spare, so there’s no need to feel bad about catching up on some serious sleep. Don’t set that alarm, just sleep as much as your heart desires. It’s your day off, and you deserve to snuggle up and treat yourself.

3. Host a Potluck Picnic
potluck picnic long weekend ideas
If you are a social butterfly, weekends are best spent with dear ones. This weekend, organize a potluck picnic with your family or friends, and spend some more quality time with them.  Potluck picnics are easy to organize, require minimal time and effort, and are fun. Everyone gets to bring a meal so there will be variety of dishes!
4. Give Back by Volunteering
volunteer long weekend
Everything we do shouldn’t always be about ‘what’s-in-it-for-me?’
How about you spend your extra day volunteering for a good cause.
Volunteering for a non-profit or charitable organization is a great way to give back to the community and support an initiative.
5. Upgrade Your Skill Set
long weekend ideas
Learn a new language, sign up for an online course. Do something that will that will reinforce your career or upgrade your present state.
6. Catch up with The Lion King Blog
lion king blog
There are probably a few posts you’ve missed here and have been wanting to read but you just haven’t found the time. Well, now is your chance. You have an extra day to finally read all of the amazing content we have here for you. Catch up with all the juicy stuff!
Planning your long weekend should not need be something that gives you a headache. Now that you’ve read this list, you can pick quite a few things to do.
Happy weekend!




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