‘Honest People Bank with UBA’ Says Patience Akpan, a Delighted Customer

Patience Akpan,
an Associate Professor of Science, Technology and Society (STS) at Arizona
State University and a Columnist in Punch Newspaper, a foremost national
newspaper in Nigeria, writes about the excellent customer service delivered to
her at  one of our Business Offices in
Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. Below is the full text of her write-up,
published in Punch on Saturday, July 20, 2013.
or theft of cell phones is common place in Nigeria. A whine about it elicits a
major yawn. I cut a pathetic figure four years ago when I went crazy over a
phone that was stolen at the Le Meridien in Uyo. It was not so much the loss of
the device, or the loss of phone numbers or the fact that there was personal
information which I would not have wanted a stranger to access. What bothered
me the most was that someone perceived me as a powerless victim, enough to rob.
lunch companions were sympathetic, though I could not tell if they were
stifling yawns. They had lost cell phones many times in the past and could not
understand why I was making a federal case of my loss – first-ever phone loss
so when I realized on Tuesday that I had left my brand new phone at a counter
at a UBA branch on Calabar Road, Calabar, I decided to chill (like ice water).
I was so calm that my nine-year-old companion did not believe that I had really
lost my phone. “You are too calm,” he said. The driver of our vehicle called my
phone to eliminate the possibility that it was in the car. When we did not hear
the sound of the phone, the boy suggested I must have left it on mute. He was
still unconvinced that I would be this calm if I really lost my newest toy.
30 minutes after we left, we returned to the bank. I did not think the phone
would still be there. I just wanted the satisfaction of knowing that I looked
for it. As I approached the Quick Teller section on the first floor where I had
gone to pay for my airline ticket to Lagos, I saw one of the staff and she
said, “You are back.” I told her that I was looking for my phone. “Oh Oh!” she
said in a tone that suggested I should not even think I would find it again.
But as she said this, she glanced around reflexively.  “May be it is that one,” she said pointing in
the direction of the counter where I had done my transaction. It was, indeed,
the one!
a marvel it was that a brand new Blackberry phone sat unattended on a bank
counter for at least 30 minutes and no one had the brilliant idea of stealing
it. That is what I call a miracle! When I left earlier, three people (two men
and a woman) were waiting to be served by the guy behind the counter, Mr.
Valentine Nwankwo. When I went back, the two men had been replaced by two other
men. The woman was still the same. She could have picked the phone but she did
not. Any of the four men could have picked the phone but they did not. Any of
the other bankers that moved in and out of the area could have picked the phone,
but they did not.
once proudly claimed that “wise men bank with UBA.” Then the goddesses gave
them Chief Bola Kuforji-Olubi as their chairperson, and so they inserted: “and
women too.” We can now add another insertion point: “and honest too.” And of
course if this new insertion shows up on billboards, the bank will definitely
get a bill from me!


write this because I think a shout-out is in order for all those fine people
who work in the Quick Teller section of UBA Branch #2 (or is that #1) on
Calabar Road, Calabar. A louder shout-out goes to the customers who saw my
phone but minded their own business. May the angels watch over your own phone,
not that angel have nothing better to do, mind you!



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