11 Sure ways to destress at work

No matter how much we love and enjoy our jobs, burnout is bound to happen at some point. When this happens, you find yourself not enjoying the activities you usually do and sometimes these burnouts can follow you home and rub off on your private life if not properly managed. Destressing at work is essential for maintaining your well-being and productivity. If you are experiencing burnout at work, here are 11 ways to help you destress:

Deep Breathing

I know this might sound silly but try it and see the wonders it does in relieving your stress. Take a few minutes to practise deep breathing exercises. Inhale slowly for a few seconds, hold it and exhale slowly. This will help to calm your nerves.

Take Short Breaks

Step away from your desk or workspace for short breaks. Even a 5-10 minute break can refresh your mind. Stretch or take a walk to help reduce physical tension. If you do not want to take a walk outside your office, you can walk up a few flights of stairs if you work in a high rise building.

Listen to Music

This is my personal favourite. Music has a way of reaching the depths of your core and releasing all kinds of emotions…well, that is what it does to me. Put on soothing or uplifting music with headphones. Music can have a significant impact on your mood and can help you relax.

Organise and Prioritise

Make a to-do list and organise your tasks by priority. Sometimes stress at work can be alleviated by having a clear plan.

Declutter Your Workspace

A messy workspace can add to your stress. Take a few minutes to tidy up and declutter your desk. There is this calming effect that walking into a clean space has. You automatically feel good and refreshed.

Stay Hydrated and Eat Well

Dehydration and poor nutrition can contribute to stress. Drink water and eat balanced meals to keep your energy levels stable.

Socialise with Colleagues

Another way to destress at work is to engage in brief conversations with coworkers about non-work-related topics. It can provide a welcome distraction and a sense of camaraderie. You could even go for lunch breaks outside the office to get a different feel from what you usually have at the office.

Delegate Tasks

It is okay to ask for help if you are overwhelmed with work. If you are in a position that can allow you to delegate tasks, please do not hesitate to do so. This doesn’t make you weak, it makes you human.

Limit Multitasking

Focus on one task at a time. Multitasking can lead to increased stress and decreased productivity.

Set Boundaries

Establish boundaries for when you stop working. Avoid overextending your work hours, if possible.

Seek Support

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to talk to a supervisor, HR, or a mental health professional for support and guidance.

Stress can lead to serious health challenges if not properly managed. So, it should never be overlooked.

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