So, you’ve worked hard and it’s now time to play hard or even harder and you decide you want to go on a trip. Do you enjoy it when you are alone on the trip or you’d rather have friends or family join you? Each option has its allure, its highs, and its quirks. So, let’s dive into it and find out which one is more exciting to you.

Solo Trip

Picture this: You, on a serene beach, with a nice book, earbuds plugged in with your favourite music playing  (yeah, some of us with superpowers can read with music on), and a bottle of your favourite drink. Just you, the ocean breeze, birds flying without a care in the world and your thoughts. Super cool, huh?

Solo trips are a dance with freedom, where every decision is yours to make and every detour is a welcome deviation from the plan.

Another perk of solo travel is self-discovery. There’s something magical about solo travel that brings you face-to-face with yourself. It’s a journey not just through places but through your thoughts, fears, and dreams. You’ll come back with a deeper understanding of who you are.

Contrary to popular belief, solo travel doesn’t mean being alone. It’s a chance to meet people and make new connections. So many amazing friendships and relationships have been formed and blossomed from these types of meetings.

Travelling with Company

Now, imagine sharing those breathtaking sunsets and adventures with your favourite people by your side. Travelling with company adds an extra layer of excitement and camaraderie to the journey. Now let’s look at the upside of travelling with company.

Shared Memories: The laughter-filled nights, the inside jokes, the unforgettable moments—travelling with company means creating memories that will be cherished for a lifetime. There’s something special about experiencing the world with those you love.

Safety in Numbers: Let’s face it, the world can be a daunting place, especially when you’re far from home. Travelling with company provides a sense of security and comfort, knowing that you have each other’s backs no matter what.

Different Perspectives: One of the joys of travelling with company is seeing the world through someone else’s eyes. Each person brings their unique perspective, preferences, and interests, which can lead to unexpected adventures and discoveries.

So, Which One Does It For You?

The answer ultimately depends on your preferences, personality, and the kind of adventure you seek. Some thrive in the solitude of solo travel, while others find joy in sharing the experience with loved ones. So, whether you’re flying solo or jetting off with your tribe, the idea is to revel in the moment and have fun. Don’t forget to have your UBA mobile app and UBA card with you to book your flight and make payments without hassles.