UBA@ 75

Have you ever watched someone get better at what they do, even though when they started, it seemed like they hadn’t quite got the hang of it? They just kept going, no matter the setbacks, and eventually became pro. That is consistency. It helps you gain mastery of a particular skill or set of skills. Consistency opens the door to expertise.

Whether it’s in our daily routines, personal relationships, or business practices, the ability to maintain a steady course over time often leads to the most significant and enduring success. This principle is brilliantly exemplified by the United Bank for Africa (UBA) PLC, a financial institution which has not only survived but thrived for 75 years. Let’s look at how UBA’s unwavering commitment to excellence has allowed it to keep getting better with age.

Celebrating UBA@75

A Legacy of Trust

Since 1949, UBA has earned a reputation for trust and reliability through dedicated service, transparent practices, and a focus on customer satisfaction (C1st Philosophy).

Adapting to Change and Innovation

UBA has stayed relevant for 75 years by embracing technological advancements. From launching the first chat banking bot in Africa, the first cash deposit ATMs in Nigeria to launching the Braille account opening form for the visually impaired, we have continued to balance reliability with innovation.

Building Strong Relationships

We value the strong relationships we have with our customers, employees, and communities. This is demonstrated by our initiatives in education, healthcare, and economic development across Africa.

Consistent Excellence in Service

We prioritise excellent customer service, offering a wide range of products and services designed to meet diverse needs and build a stellar reputation.

The Road Ahead

As we celebrate 75 years, our foundation of trust, adaptability, strong relationships, innovation, and service excellence positions us well for the future.

Our unwavering commitment to our core values of Enterprise, Excellence and Execution has allowed us to thrive for 75 years. Looking ahead, we will continue to deliver excellent service. Cheers to many more years!

Watch this space for more updates on our 75th anniversary.

Read Also: Empowering Africa for the Future