places to visit in Africa

When you hear summer, you think, relaxation, travel, adventure and new experiences right? Well, that’s what I think of. If I were to run for any political office, part of my campaign manifesto would be to declare the whole summer for enjoyment only. Maybe not, but you get my point.

So, your body is ready for the season, but the ultimate question is, is your account ready? It’s important to ensure your account is prepared for the summer season because, once you and your card are outside, there’s definitely going to be some swiping. From financial planning to securing your digital presence, here’s how to make sure your account is summer-ready.

Financial Health Check

This is the biggest deciding factor for most summer activities. If the idea flashes through your mind, the bills flash side by side with it. Start by reviewing your budget. Summertime often brings additional expenses, such as travel, dining out, and recreational activities. Ensure you allocate enough funds for these activities without compromising your savings or essential expenses. Put into consideration some exigencies as well.

Travel Preparations

Hassle-free travel preparation is key to having a great summer experience if you must travel for a holiday. Ensure you have your UBA mobile app downloaded on your device and have your UBA card with you to book your flight tickets and to purchase other travel essentials seamlessly.

Digital Security

You wouldn’t want the highlight of your summer activities to be, getting scammed by fraudsters, would you? Before going on your trip, ensure your account password is strong and unique. You can add an extra layer of security by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). Be cautious when you use your card at POS terminals. I am sure you can guess the next line in this “cautionary tale”… Do not share your PIN, password or other sensitive details with anyone. Yeah, you guessed right. As overflogged as this might sound, it holds the key to summer fun or summer ruin.

Now, let’s return to the first point- financial health check. Perhaps your mind and body are ready for summer but your account is screaming, “ NO WAY JOSE!”. Don’t ditch that plan just yet. You just might get the funds you need last minute. How? you might ask. By participating in the UBA @ 75 Legacy Promo, where we shall be making 75 customers instant millionaires with N1m each.

Visit UBA Legacy Promo to get started and get your account in shape for the summer.