Many times we get caught up in the work and bustle of office spaces, tasks and events but let us be aware that staying healthy is just as important and not necessarily about exercise alone. Highlighted below are some great alternatives to just exercise and eating great especially amongst colleagues.

Start a stress circle
Organize a recurring weekly stress circle employees can attend if they want to talk about anything. Set safe-zone rules so everyone can feel comfortable talking about anything without facing judgment or appearing incompetent. (Everyone should feel comfortable admitting their struggles without facing special treatment from teammates.)


 During the stress circle, each employee gets a turn to talk while everyone else listens and offers thoughtful constructive comments. If your stress circle gets too big, split into small groups so everyone’s stress gets the proper attention. If possible, try and separate managers and their direct reports. You want your team to be able to speak freely without fear of reprisal.
stress circle- fun workspace
Healthy cooking contests
Have your staff make their favourite healthy recipes and bring them into work for a cooking contest voted on by the rest of the office.
cooking contest -fun workspace
Hold a fitness challenge
Corporate wellness company Fitbug institute a daily wall sit challenge where employees increase the duration of their wall sits by 10 seconds each day, going until the last person remains standing. This serves as a fun fitness challenge idea that gets the whole office involved, and is a great way to get the competitive juices flowing!
(Here’s how to create a killer office fitness challenge in 4 weeks or less)
Encourage nap time
The benefits of napping include improved creativity, productivity, and memory. Put a comfortable recliner in an unused room in your office to create a “nap room”.
Company sponsored Happy Hours
Working hard deserves some playing hard. Take your team out for Happy Hour after a long workweek to help everyone unwind before the weekend.
Incorporate plants around the office
There are many health benefits associated with having a “Green office,” including fresher air, improved emotional state, and a reduction of office illnesses. A University of Queensland study found that an office outfitted with plants can actually increase employee productivity by 15 percent.
Sponsor a company retreat or offsite
Company retreats are a ton of fun and a great way to brainstorm new ideas to drive the company forward. Use the beginning of the day to work on the company and then follow it up at night with a group dinner and drinks.



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