The first ever International Week of Happiness at Work has been happening on September 24-28. It is an initiative from Happy Office in the Netherlands, asking people and organizations sign up to a “Happy at Work” manifesto. This manifesto is commitment to contribute to making happiness at work the norm and take action to make the workplace a happier environment.

To paraphrase Emiliana Simon Thomas at the The Greater Good Science Center, UC Berkeley, Happiness at work is not so much a momentary experience of amusement or pride, nor an incessant cheerfulness or gratification of desires. It is more a general sense “that we enjoy our time, feel personally driven, and know that what we do makes a difference “.


A third of your waking adult life is spent at work. In fact, for the average person that means over 90,000 hours over your working lifetime. For that reason alone, happiness in the workplace should be a priority, and for companies themselves a no brainer as studies continue to predict that a happier workforce leads to higher productivity and profits, to better physical and mental health, to increased motivation and importantly, a balancing of activities and demands outside of work.
Ultimately, happiness at work is good for everyone – the employees, the companies and society itself. For people to feel happy and professionally fulfilled, we need to start talking about how we can improve at work.
During this week we hope you promoted daily actions at work that we hope will encourage happiness within your workplace. At UBA, sport activities, shared birthday experiences and a numerous hub of strategy sessions help us stay in sync and be better at our jobs.


  1. Happiness is the feeling of joy. Here the blogger have well explained about the happiness. Happiness is something which we all have to spread into each heart. Celebrating the happiness at work is really a day to celebrate. I do work as writer at write my paper where I love writing.


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