Edison was afraid of the dark, yet
he overcame that obstacle in a big way and invented the light bulb. The door to
opportunity swings on the hinges of adversity, and problems are the price of
 The obstacles of life are intended to make us
better, not bitter. Adversity has advantages and we should all have the
attitude of Louisa May Alcott who once said: “I am not afraid of storms,
for I am learning how to sail my ship.” Don’t let your problems take the
lead. You take the lead. 
Challenges make you stretch—they
make you go beyond the norm. Turning an obstacle to your advantage is the first
step towards victory. Life is as uncertain as a grapefruit’s squirt. Consider
what Sydney Harris said, “When I hear somebody say that ‘Life is hard’, I
am always tempted to ask, ‘Compared to what?'”
We might as well face our problems.
We can’t run fast or far enough to get away from them all. Rather, we should
have the attitude of Stan Musial, the famous Hall of Fame baseball player.
Commenting on how to handle a spit ball, he said, “I’ll just hit the dry
side of the ball.” Charles Kettering said, “No one would have crossed
the ocean if he could have gotten off the ship in the storm.”
breakfast of champions is not cereal; it’s obstacles.


 By Simeon Aligbe


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