Gabriel Oyemike


are loads of misconceptions (myths or falsehoods) that people carry regarding
fitness (exercising and healthy eating) and how it affects us. Some of these
are downright ridiculous, whilst some others make for interesting conversation.
would take a look at 4 of them in this edition, whilst the last four will be
covered in the next edition.
Myth 1: Women who lift weights will bulk up.
people think that lifting weights or using the dumbbells to work out will make
a lady look like a bodybuilder. That is simply false! Women’s testosterone
levels are much lower than men’s (as much as 7-8 times less) so in most cases,
they are not capable of building large muscles. Both sexes may have the same body
structure but different hormonal make-ups, which means a difference in muscle
strength. Most cases of muscularly built women are often times influenced by
illegal substances.
have shown weight training is a key to preventing osteoporosis, creating lean
muscle mass, raising your metabolic rate and creating strength. Limiting your
heavy strength training is simply cheating your body out of the amazing
benefits of strength training. So, ladies embrace weight training as it is a
critical element to maintain a healthy weight, in addition strength training
will help you slim down too!


Myth 2: I am slim and do not need to exercise.
Fact: We seem to
accept the fact that thin people are fit and only fat people need to use the
gym. Just as you can be overweight (BMI >25) and active, it is possible to
be slim, sedentary and tragically unfit.
Fitness should be the biggest deciding factor for good health and not just
weight loss. A lot of slim people eat junk and sugary foods with the air of
cockiness that they can eat anything and just be fine even without leading an
active lifestyle.
 To be honest, it is only a matter of time
before it manifests. It could either do so by way of secretion of excess fat in
some areas of the body, example, the midsection, which causes more health risks
than fat in other locations in the body and place such people at increased risk
for diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
just because you’re not fat does not mean you can run for miles or train for 30
minutes. No matter your weight; cardiovascular or aerobic exercise is good for
you and can improve your health (as you can see below). Done on a regular
basis, cardio reduces your risk of developing chronic disease, boosts mental
health and helps you live healthier for longer.


Myth 3: I Prefer
Supplements or Multivitamins to Exercise

folks prefer taking multivitamins or supplements to stay in shape over
exercising and healthy diet as they feel this can replace any vitamins their
bodies need. Studies have found that normal men and women do not need
multi-vitamins if they are maintaining a regular exercise schedule and are in
good health.

are not necessarily a substitute for eating fruits and vegetables.
Multi-vitamins are harder for your body to absorb; your body accepts the
vitamins that come in natural foods easier and faster.

best way to get the vitamins you need is through your food.

If at
all they should be used- Supplements as the name implies: to “supplement” an
already nutritious diet. Pills, powders, portions, and magic elixirs are not
the Holy Grail they are purported to be. So please exercise caution when going
down this path.

Myth 4: Training Once a Week Is Enough for Me.
Fact: If training
just once a week is your thing, then you cannot achieve much. It might be tough
to accept, but it is the truth. Even if you try to make up by exercising 3
hours the one time you work out, it will only be counter-productive as you
would not achieve your goals. It is recommended by WHO that we have at least 30
minutes of moderate exercise daily (this you can tweak to one hour period of
alternate days)
key to losing weight and keeping your weight in check is a mixture of hard work
and consistency. Again, the time of the specific activity will depend on what
type of exercise and the intensity. To lose 1 pound (0.45kg) of weight a week,
you have to have a 3,500-calorie deficiency a week. Imagine working out once a
week and having this goal in mind?  Consistent training, good food choices
and proper water hydration will get you there much faster without the muscle
depletion that dieting can cause.




  1. These myths are inextricable. Those who do not understand anything about fitness believe in these myths, unfortunately. And I was mistaken at the beginning of my fitness path too. But now I know enough to lead a healthy lifestyle (or at least to try).


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