How about adopting a healthy eating habit and exercise
routine as one of your New Year’s resolutions?
an early weight management routine will go a long way to ensure you have a
healthier and more productive year in 2017.
Here’s a selection of healthy eating and drinking tips you can adopt this
New Year.
rules, no promises, just good practices.
Grill or roast
instead of frying:

If you must fry, then use canola or olive oil as they are low in fat. However,
the health benefits of grilling are numerous. Grilling involves little to no
fat in the cooking process and it helps drain out fat and oil from the meat or fish.
Moreover, why not explore the social benefits by having a barbecue event and enjoy
the outdoors.
Go Turkey or
Something Fishy:

People generally like to load their meals with enormous quantity of red meat.
These are high in cholesterol and fats. Turkey (or chicken) is a lower fat
choice for meals. Fish makes a special meal as they are a rich source of Omega-3
fatty acids, which can help protect against heart disease.
Mix it up with Fruits and Veggies:
Serve your lunch or dinner with heaps of veggies for a balanced meal. Add
colour to your meals- carrots, broccoli, pepper, lettuce, green peas are
healthy additions to meals. Fruits and veggies are a good source of nutrients
and they contain hardly any fat!
Try not to skip Breakfast: Always try
to have breakfast, no matter how small- a piece of fruit, whole meal cereal or
eggs on toast, as this will make you less likely to snack on cakes, pies and
Go Low on Snacks and Cream: If you are
having sweet treats like sweets, cake and ice cream, try having them in smaller
amounts. Instead of taking buckets of ice cream as desserts, why not go for low
fat yoghurt. Some healthy snacks like unsalted nuts can be taken in between
meals as alternatives.
Cut down on the Fizzy Drinks and Alcohol: It
is tempting to drink lots of sugary fizzy drinks. Opt for water or unsweetened
fruit juice when you can or add a slice of lemon or lime to water. A healthier
alternative is to go for smoothies.
For those that
take alcohol, red wine is a healthier alternative, however, do not
over-indulge. Keep within sensible alcohol limits.

Exercise tips
for the New Year
Get a Skipping

Skipping is a great calorie-burner and helps improve cardio-respiratory
fitness. It is cheap, portable and can be used by the family in general. Just
using it for 30 minutes will help burn more than 300 calories asides from
strengthening your bones and helping your co-ordination.
Crunch the
you celebrate with family and friends, endeavour to do some abdominal exercises
(crunches, plank exercises, leg lift etc) when you get up in the morning or at
night before going to bed. This helps in a great way to watch the ‘big tummy’
Play an Indoor Game: Rather than
slump on the sofa after eating heavily, why not play an indoor game (table
tennis or squash), it is another great but exciting way to burn calories.
Vary the routine: Try out
different sports in order to add variety to your exercise routine. Go for
cycling, go to the beach, play football with the boys, play tennis or go
swimming with family members. The idea here is to participate in a fun activity
and still stay fit.
Go for a walk: Try going for
a brisk walk either early in the morning, lunchtime or in the evening. It is
recommended that we make 10,000 steps a day to live an active lifestyle. Get a
pedometer to monitor your steps and calories burned so you can push yourself to
go a bit further and achieve your fitness goals.
Put on your Dancing Shoes: Enjoy. Keep active.
Crank up the music and dance at home or why not go out, have some fun and dance
away the calories at a party!
all, get some quality sleep time and try to renew your energy. Learn to
recognize and acknowledge your true hunger and appetite. Happy New Year



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