Image credit: mrcellphonerepair.com
A teenage
girl is ‘chatting’ on her phone as she walks down the street. She seems so
engrossed in this activity that she fails to observe oncoming vehicles before
attempting to cross the road. A young man is driving down the same road. He has
one hand on his steering wheel while he texts on his mobile with the other
hand. As he does this, he occasionally takes his eyes off the road to review
what he is typing on the mobile device.
The road
appears to be free; however, at the precise moment the young man shifts his
focus back to his texting, the young girl, who also fails to see the
approaching vehicle steps into his path. What follows, is the dreadful sound of
screeching wheels and the crushing impact of metal on bones, as the man applies
his brakes on the spur of the moment, but not fast enough to avert the ensuing
collision. The car rams the young girl, head-over-heels onto the hard asphalt.
This video
I saw on the internet aptly re-echoes the danger of texting while driving. Ten
years back, a scenario like this would probably have been quite unlikely. But
in today’s hyper-connected world, with unlimited smart mobile devices and
social media platforms, it is not far-fetched.
People die
every day from accidents caused by distracted driving especially connected to
texting while driving. The need to stay connected at all times sometimes exerts
so much pressure, especially on young people, that it is not uncommon to see
them constantly paying attention to their mobile devices irrespective of where
they are or what they are doing.
I remember
a sad event involving a former colleague. The first time I saw her, I thought
to myself, “Boy! Is she pretty?” One of those rare beauties that stand out in
the crowd; we got talking and I realized that she was equally as brilliant as
her beauty was radiant. Fresh from school, with bright ideas and ideals, she
had her life well planned and had good prospects.
However, on
one fateful night, while driving home with a pal, the road was free and the
driving was smooth, but she couldn’t resist an occasional ‘ping’ on her mobile
phone. While typing a ‘quick’ response, she did not notice a stationary truck
that suddenly loomed out of the dark and probably reacted too late to prevent
her car from running into the truck. Her friend was lucky to survive. She
It is a
known fact that five seconds is approximately the minimal amount of time your
eyes are off the road while texting and driving. When moving at a speed of
88km/h, five seconds is ample time to cover the length of a football field, so
you can imagine the distance you would be driving with your eyes off the road
at that speed.
Image credit: itgenius.co.th


A lot of
fatal motor accidents have occurred as a result of someone texting while
driving. This explains the enactment of lots of laws all over the world to
reduce this widespread menace. In Nigeria, for instance, the Federal Road
Safety Corps recently proposed to jail drivers who indulge in texting, phoning
or even ‘pinging’ while driving even at traffic stops.
United Bank
for Africa through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) arm, UBA
Foundation also recently launched a campaign against texting and driving with
the aim of enlightening the public on the dangers inherent in texting while
driving. Ijeoma Aso, MD/CEO, UBA Foundation, attributed most road accidents to
this dangerous habit.
 “A 5-second distraction caused by texting
could have very fatal consequences.” She said.
some motorists may assume they can confidently text while driving, because they
are experts or experienced drivers, some may decide it is a good way to kill
time while trudging through the exasperating stop-and-go traffic, others may
feel it is absolutely unavoidable to use their mobile devices while driving.
Whatever your decision, bear in mind that texting while driving is one
dangerous indulgence that can prove fatal to you and others.
By Nonso Nduanya


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