Kenya, the economic hub of the East Africa Region, rises from a low coastal plain on the Indian Ocean in a series of mountain ridges and plateaus which stand above 3,000 meters in the center of the country. The country has a population of over 49 million,
representing 43 different cultures with English and Kiswahili as the national



Kenya, the economic hub of the East Africa Region, rises from a low coastal plain on the Indian Ocean in a series of mountain ridges and plateaus which stand above 3,000 meters in the center of the country. The country has a population of over 49 million,
representing 43 different cultures with English and Kiswahili as the national languages.

Kenya is a Lower Middle-Income country and the fifth-largest economy in sub-Saharan Africa. According to the World Bank, the Kenyan economy has a GDP of USD 79.2 billion (Current USD,
2017) coming off a growth of 4.9 percent. Key sectors of the economy are agriculture, manufacturing, real estate and services. Agriculture is the largest contributor to the economy at 30 percent of GDP. However, manufacturing’s share of GDP has been rising significantly over the years and is currently the second largest contributor to GDP at 10 percent.
If there is a word that crosses a Kenyan’s lips every day, it is Mpesa (M for mobile, pesa is Swahili for money). The Mobile money revolution has become a mainstay of life in Kenya. Kenyan’s use Mpesa to pay for literally anything from plane tickets to school fees. Around every corner in the country is an Mpesa shop. If you plan to be in Kenya for a few days, it may prove necessary to sign up for this service.

people of kenya


Being home to 43 tribes, Kenya offers visitors an opportunity to interact with a kaleidoscope of cultures and traditions that have been preserved for timeless generations. Visitors have an
opportunity to visit traditional villages, cultural centers and museums to
learn of the rich and diverse heritage of the people of Kenya.
Kenya’s scenic beauty makes it one of the best tourist destinations in the world. Whether you’re looking for the ultimate safari experience, a hiking adventure or a chance to relax on
white sand beaches, Kenya has it all. Some of the top things to experience are:
Game Safaris 

game safaris


Kenya has over 50 game parks and natural reserves. The two most notable parks
are the Nairobi National park and the Maasai Mara, home to 25 percent of
Kenya’s wildlife. At the Mara, visitors have an opportunity to see the Great
Wildebeest Migration, one of the Seven New Wonders of the World. This immense
movement only happens between the Serengeti National park in Tanzania and
Maasai Mara National reserve in Kenya during July through October. It features
over 2 million animals crossing the Mara river in search of greener pastures.


Kenya’s white sandy beaches

white sandy beach in kenya

Kenya’s 536KM-long coastline features some of the most scenic beaches in the
world. The water from the Indian Ocean is delightfully warm and turns dozens of
shades of blue and green. The beaches are easily accessible from most reputable
hotels that are built right next to the beach.


There are also lots of activities for visitors of all ages. These include sailing, snorkeling,
gliding and jet skiing.
Nyama choma (grilled meat)

Kenyan man


Kenyans love their meat in all its forms. Any gathering is an excuse for
Nyama Choma. This unofficial national dish is available everywhere, from
roadside kiosks to highend restaurants. Nyama Choma is most commonly eaten with
Ugali (maize meal) and kachumbari (tomato, chilli and onion salad).




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