Empowering Banking Innovation Through Analytics at UBA – Oseremen Osara

Empowering Banking Innovation Through Analytics at UBA - Oseremen Osara
Empowering Banking Innovation Through Analytics at UBA - Oseremen Osara

Oseremen Osara, the Team Lead, Advanced Analytics at the United Bank for Africa (UBA), stands as a shining example of the bank’s commitment to innovation and excellence. Recently honored with the prestigious Chartered Institute of Bankers (CIBN) Next Generation Award – Class of 2023, this recognition acknowledges her exceptional contributions and groundbreaking work within the banking industry.

For Osara, the acknowledgment is far more than an individual accolade; it’s a testament to the collaborative spirit and dedication of the UBA Advanced Analytics team in transforming data science and analytics within the bank.

“This recognition isn’t just humbling; it’s profoundly motivating,” Osara shares. “It validates the countless hours my team and I have invested in pushing the boundaries of data science and analytics within UBA. It represents not only my efforts but also our commitment to excellence at UBA.”

Looking ahead, Osara sees this recognition as a catalyst for her continuous professional growth. “It encourages me to explore the convergence of data science and banking further, seeking new avenues for innovation and efficiency,” she explains. “The skills and experiences gained to this point will serve as the foundation for my future endeavors.”

Her aspirations include leveraging this award to make an even more significant impact on the banking industry. “I aim to foster a culture of innovation aligned with the evolving landscape of financial services, becoming a catalyst for positive change within our institution and across the broader banking community,” she affirms.

Her journey into data analytics was ignited by a passion for mathematics and a drive to solve real-world challenges. Transitioning from the oil and gas industry, where she witnessed the potential of data-driven insights, she immersed herself in learning data analytics tools and methodologies.

Joining UBA provided her with the platform to contribute her expertise to the dynamic field of data analytics, playing a pivotal role in shaping strategies, fostering innovation, and driving positive change within the financial sector.

One project that stands out in her career journey is the implementation of an advanced customer segmentation strategy for UBA’s Customer Experience Team. This initiative utilized sophisticated data analytics techniques to identify nuanced customer segments based on behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns. The outcome was a remarkable increase in customer satisfaction scores and a substantial reduction in churn rates, significantly strengthening UBA’s connection with its customers.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Osara’s passions revolve around her faith, teaching, and nurturing connections with loved ones. Her approach to both career and life is deeply rooted in values such as faith, hard work, integrity, and collaboration, guiding her actions and fostering a resilient and collaborative mindset.

Teaching she says has been a source of immense joy, particularly engaging with kids  and witnessing the spark of curiosity and learning in young minds is truly rewarding. She has previously served as a robotics tutor for children, an experience that allowed her to share enthusiasm for technology and creativity.

Reflecting on her life lessons, “She shares an experience that taught her resilience and gratitude – “a pivotal life lesson for me unfolded after completing school when I faced challenges in securing a job in my desired career path. Instead of being idle, I took a role teaching kids for a modest N28,000 about $35 US Dollars monthly. This experience proved invaluable, underscoring the importance of embracing humble beginnings. Teaching with that modest pay for a year before securing an offer in my desired career path taught me resilience, patience, and the cyclical nature of life. This experience significantly shaped my perspective, fostering gratitude for my current circumstances and instilling the belief that success often arises from perseverance during challenging times.”

For aspiring professionals in data analytics or banking, Osara emphasizes continuous learning, adaptability, ethical standards, positive collaborations, and a growth mindset as essential principles for a successful career journey in the ever-evolving technological landscape.

Her journey stands as a beacon of innovation and excellence, reflecting UBA’s commitment to nurturing talent and driving positive change within the banking industry. Her dedication to leveraging data analytics for transformative impact underscores the bank’s continued focus on innovation, setting the stage for a future of progressive and customer-centric banking solutions.