Give a person a fish and you
feed them for a day, teach that person how to fish and you feed them for a
True philanthropy is where the
ROI is hopefully a better world and this is what Africa’s power couple seeks to
do; to make the world a better place.

Recently, Founder of the Tony
Elumelu Foundation and Chairman UBA Group; Tony Elumelu and his wife Dr. Awele V.
Elumelu; CEO Avon Medical services were featured on CNN’s Marketplace Africa.

Speaking to Marketplace Africa
host, Eleni Giokos, the power couple whose TEF has become one of the largest
philanthropic initiatives in Africa, said helping businesses has a significant
impact on the economy of a country, a commitment they are prepared to follow


When asked why the focus is specifically
on entrepreneurs, Awele responds; “We believe that we have to encourage these
businesses. We have to make provisions for these businesses to grow in order to
grow the economy, in order to provide even other jobs for other people. There’s
that ripple effect. One person is providing jobs for a hundred other people,
and each of them in return providing jobs for another set of hundred people,
and that way, we are developing the economy.
Along with his wife Awele
Elumelu, Tony Elumelu aims to create a million jobs within the next decade
through his foundation.
He tells CNN: “We’re hoping to create a million jobs
through the intervention of these 10,000 young African entrepreneurs. You need
to understand that big corporations, per se, don’t really create more jobs. He
adds, “What’s important is to have great ideas and we evaluate your ideas. If
we think your ideas can be scaleable, your ideas can succeed, you’re going to
address some of the issues that we face as humanity, your community issues etc.,
then we support those entrepreneurs”.
Tony Elumelu, told CNN’s
Marketplace Africa that his foundation plans to create one million jobs across
Africa over the next 10 years and to also create opportunities especially with the
recently launched TEF Connect; a digital platform that brings all African
entrepreneurs creating a meeting point for investors and entrepreneurs.
Great philanthropists are the
ones who spend real time in the communities they wish to serve, understanding
the external pressures and changing environments that they are operating in, creating
opportunities that will bring real change to the communities around them and
This is the path the amazing duo of Tony and Awele
Elumelu are on and this is why they are Africa’s power couple



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