I heave a sigh of relief each time I think of how banking has evolved, and for me, mobile banking has been an absolute game-changer. I vividly recall one time when I had to send money to my sister at school, and she gave me a last-minute “emergency” heads-up, just 20 minutes before the bank’s closing time of 4 pm. The bank was quite a distance from my house, so it was a mad dash to get there. I arrived five minutes after closing and had to beg the security guards to let me in to make the transfer, explaining that it was crucial for my sister. After so much pleading, one guard brought me a deposit slip, took the cash, and made the transfer. The relief I felt when he handed me the transaction receipt was indescribable.

Now, with mobile banking, who cares about closing time? All I need to do is open my banking app and—boom!—transfer, done and dusted! It is secure, convenient, and tailored to my needs. I just discovered that my UBA mobile app was recently updated with more interesting and interactive features that make my life even easier, and I couldn’t be happier. Want to know what these amazing new features are? Let me show you.

Transaction Dispute Menu

When I didn’t get a token for the electricity units I purchased over the weekend,  I didn’t fret about it. I simply logged the failed transaction directly from the web page using the transaction dispute menu and got a response in no time.

Extended Transaction History

Now I can go back as far as six months ago to view transactions that occurred on my account. No more waking up on random nights and thinking something shady happened in my account, meanwhile, it was me who did a little retail therapy some months ago. It sure helps for tracking and now staying on top of my finances has become easier.

Enhanced PIN Pads

I do not have to worry anymore about the pin pad being too small or too big on some of my devices when I log in, now they are just the right size for any device that I choose to use.

Increased Security

Security is always a top concern with banking apps, and this update doesn’t disappoint.  I can now use a PIN or Secure Pass to confirm transactions and use the automatic app lock to log out when I’m not using the app. Take that! Scammers!

Alphanumeric Numbers

Talk of ease and security when booking a flight. I can now use alphanumeric characters in the Passenger Name Record (PNR) when paying for my airline ticket.

Decimal Update

No more approximations. With the updated feature, my transactions now include decimals for precise amounts.

Overall, I’m impressed with the new features in my banking app. These are great for helping me stay on top of my money. Head on to the App Store or Play Store to download the UBA mobile app and join the soft side of life like me.

Read Also: Transactions You Can Perform on the UBA Mobile Banking App