Healthy tips for weight management

They say, “You are what you eat,” which is absolutely correct. What we put inside our bodies either nourishes them or does the opposite. Maintaining a certain weight or size requires a lot of commitment and discipline, especially when it comes to what we eat. Take a look at some tips that can help you eat healthy.

Balance That Diet

Eat a variety of foods. Do not eat too much of one class of food and totally neglect the other. Add vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats and lean proteins to your diet. This will keep mealtimes interesting and ensure that you have the necessary nutrients.

Stay Hydrated

An average adult is expected to drink 2 to 3 litres of water per day, according to medical experts. Drinking a lot of water can curb unnecessary snacking that can cause us to gain some weight because sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger.

Control Your Portion

Portion control helps you not overeat. You get to eat what you enjoy, but in a smaller quantity, which isn’t bad for weight management. If you are not sure how to measure your portion sizes, get smaller bowls and plates and dish your food in them.

Practise Pleasure Eating

Eating slowly and mindfully makes you actually taste the food and savour every flavour in it. The time spent enjoying the food will give your body time to feel full, thereby avoiding overeating.

Limit Processed Foods

They come packed with sugar, calories and unhealthy fats and consuming too much of them can spike your weight and cause other health concerns. So, do your waistline some good by minimising your intake of processed foods.

Increase Fibre Intake

Eat foods that are rich in fibre such as whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables and nuts. You will feel fuller for longer and they will also aid your digestion. When you are full for a long period of time in the day, frequent eating or snacking will be reduced.

Plan Your Meals

Know what you want to eat and how you want to eat it in advance, even if it is just snacks. This will help you avoid impulsive, unhealthy food options and make healthier choices.

Cook Your Own Meals

When possible, prepare meals at home using fresh ingredients. Home-cooked meals give you control over the ingredients and portion sizes, making it easier to maintain a balanced diet.

Stock Up on Healthy Foods

We tend to eat what is readily available. Make a conscious effort to only purchase healthy food in your fridge and pantry. This way, anytime you feel like eating, you will have no option but to eat what you have.

Be Mindful of Your Eating Habits

Pay attention to emotional eating, stress eating, or eating out of boredom. Try to find alternative activities or coping mechanisms for these situations, such as going for a walk, practising relaxation techniques, or pursuing a hobby.

Whether you need to stock up on healthy foods or go out for a fine dining experience, take your UBA Card with you for easy and convenient payment. You know that weight must be managed for that summer body we desire, so start eating right and while at it, you can show us what you are eating to get you summer ready by following us on our social media platforms and tagging us on your summer posts with #GetSummerReddy, #FunSummer and #SummerWithUBA.

These tips are great, but it is always best to seek an expert’s opinion on how to manage your weight.

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