

The Achievement Habit: Stop Wishing, Start Doing, and
Take Command of Your Life
by Bernard Roth
you know that achievement can be learned? As Bernie Roth explains, achievement
is a muscle, and once you learn how to flex it, you’ll be able to meet life’s
challenges and reach your goals.
on a legendary course Roth has taught at Stanford University for several
decades, The Achievement Habit employs the remarkable insights that stem from
design thinking to help us realize the power we all have within to change our
lives for the better. By ridding ourselves of issues that stand in the way of
reaching our full potential, we gain the confidence finally to do things we’ve
always wanted to do.


behavior and relationships can be transformed—if we choose to, we can be
mindful and control our intentions to create habits that make our lives better.
And with this thoughtful book as your guide, you can.


Humans Are Underrated: Proving Your Value in the Age
of Brilliant Technology 
by Geoff Colvin


the economy of a few years from now, what will people do better than computers?
Technology is rapidly invading fields that it once could not touch, driving
cars better than humans do, predicting Supreme Court decisions better than
legal experts, packing boxes, identifying faces, scurrying around hospitals
delivering medications, all faster, more reliably, less expensively than
people. In a world like that, how will we and our children achieve a rising
standard of living? This is the question explored in this book and you will be
surprised at what humans have to offer in an age of rising technology.


The Richest Man Who
Ever Lived: The Life and Times of Jacob Fugger
by Greg Steinmetz
Jacob Fugger lived
in Germany at the turn of the sixteenth century, the grandson of a peasant. By
the time he died, his fortune amounted to nearly two percent of European GDP.
Not even John D. Rockefeller had that kind of wealth.
Most people become
rich by spotting opportunities, pioneering new technologies, or besting opponents
in negotiations. Fugger did all that, but he had an extra quality that allowed
him to rise even higher: nerve. In an era when kings had unlimited power,
Fugger had the nerve to stare down heads of state and ask them to pay back
their loans–with interest.
The ultimate untold
story, The Richest Man Who Ever Lived is more than a tale about the richest and
most influential businessman of all time. It is a story about palace intrigue,
knights in battle, family tragedy and triumph, and a violent clash between the
1 percent and everybody else. To understand our financial system and how we got
it, it pays to understand Jacob Fugger.




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