Interview Videos of UBA Chair, Tony Elumelu, at the World Economic Forum Africa

Tony O. Elumelu; was one of the co -chairs at the World Economic Forum on Africa to discuss the 4th industrial revolution and the impact it will have across the continent. He granted interviews to various Media were he shared his thoughts on ways to creating dynamic and effective strategies to encourage long term development and continued economic growth in light of the opportunities and challenges faced on the continent. See below television links and watch some of the insightful interviews.

Tony O. Elumelu, Chairman, UBA Plc

One on One with Tony Elumelu; The Citizen Television in Kenya, aired an Interview with Tony Elumelu where he spoke on the future of entrepreneurs, kindly click to watch;  Citizen TV (Kenya), Watch Video

Tony Elumelu’s key takeaways from WEF Africa 2016: Businessman, Philanthropist Tony Elumelu was selected as a co-chair of the 26th World Economic Forum Africa alongside Akinwumi Adesina and Graca Machel. He joins CNBC Africa to discuss takeaways from this year’s forum. CNBCA; Watch Video

Africa’s 15 year Run of fast Economic Growth is Slowing: Tony Elumelu in this interview with South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), shares his thoughts on the Nigerian Economic landscape, The Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme and his thoughts on the World Economic Forum on Africa holding in Kigali; SABC, Watch Video



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