Mental health benefits of regular exercise

Regular exercise does a lot of positive things for our body such as weight loss, increased energy, lowering of blood sugar and reducing the risk of diabetes, to mention but a few. Did you know that regular exercise also offers numerous mental health benefits that can positively impact your overall well-being? Below are some of the key mental health benefits of engaging in regular physical activity.

Reduces Stress: When you exercise, your body releases endorphins and reduces the production of cortisol. The former is the hormone responsible for stress reduction while the latter is the culprit.

Improves Mood: You sleep better when you exercise regularly and in turn, this can improve your mood. You will agree that waking in the morning with a big smile on your face sets the tone for that day.

Boosts Memory: Studies have shown that regular exercise can boost brainpower, mental energy as well as creativity. It helps your mind stay sharp all the time thereby, preventing memory loss. If you are experiencing a creativity drought, perhaps, all you need is an exercise routine to get it flooding again.

Boosts Self-Esteem: Engaging in regular exercise can improve self-esteem and body image, as it contributes to a sense of accomplishment and physical well-being.

Promotes Better Sleep: Regular exercise can do a lot of good for your circadian rhythm. Better sleep positively impacts mental health and emotional stability.

Reduces Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression: When depression and anxiety kick in, regular exercise can reduce the symptoms and keep your mood up.

Stress Outlet: Exercise can serve as a healthy outlet for managing stress and frustration, reducing the likelihood of these emotions building up and causing mental distress.

Social Interaction: Participating in group exercises or team sports can foster social interaction, which is essential for mental well-being. Social connections contribute to feelings of belonging and support.

Distraction from Negative Thoughts: Engaging in physical activity can provide a temporary respite from negative thought patterns, as it shifts focus to the present moment and the task at hand.

Empowerment and Resilience: Setting and achieving exercise goals can promote a sense of empowerment and resilience, which can carry over into other areas of life.

Note that regular exercise still does not take away the importance of seeking help from a mental health professional if need be. In addition, find a routine that works for you and not necessarily what the majority is doing. Seek professional advice before starting a workout regimen especially, if there are preexisting health concerns.

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