are absolutely necessary in business”-Lanre Akinlagun
“I wake
up every morning doing what I love doing”-Lanre Akinlagun
How did you get here and what made you decide
to start your own business?
My core
skill set is digital marketing and I have done
this for 12 years now.  I worked with IBM, which took me to
Silicon Valley frequently, and
this is where I first caught the entrepreneurial bug
and confidence. I joined the iROKOtv team as an early executive member, which initially brought me back to Nigeria occasionally. It was
on these trips, I spotted the opportunity to start
What has the experience been like so far?
in Nigeria is generally challenging and you face a unique set of difficulties, which you would not find anywhere else. The challenges cover; human resources, logistics, power, internet reliability and so much more. But Nigeria
is also a nation of unique opportunities; a nation
of 170million people who need
a change. So I notice
the difficulty but I see
the potential of this great
nation and the endless possibilities within
the e-commerce sector for one
of the worlds youngest nations.
Over the course
of the last two years, we have faced some unique challenges, especially during the last elections and even for months after. Some days believe me, I just feel like
quitting; and some time I wished I was here 10 years ago. The one thing that has gotten me through the last two years
is the tremendous level of hope within the nation no matter the challenges.
When is the best time to start
a business?
There are only two times I think
you can consider starting a
business. One is when you spot an
opportunity and the second is when
you feel ready. There is no
perfect time, no perfect place or feeling; nothing can prepare you for running a business and giving up the safe security of a
salary. I have given up
everything to run this business and at times I feel like
everything has given up on me.
How did you raise capital?
I was extremely fortunate to have been able to raise my initial capital from, which shares the same co-founders as I was informed of their fund early
on and quickly capitalized on the
opportunity by presenting my proposal. These guys have
supported several other businesses over the last three years and given great support in all aspects of entrepreneurship.
Do you have mentors
and how have they impacted
on your business?
I have a few people I speak to in order to keep me grounded, focused and knowledgeable. They have picked me up when I am down,
stressed me in the right
direction, when I was not sure
of what direction to go. The impact
of mentors and successful business minds is an absolute
necessity in business from my prospective as these guys have
been there before. They save
you from making mistakes through learning from their real life experiences.
Who are your
role models and why?
I have quite a number of role
models both dead and alive. All featured business men from “The men who built America”; Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan and Henry Ford. All these names are synonymous with innovation and big business in America.
They all built empires and created advances in business and technology.
As for the people who are alive today, it would have to be Ashish
J. Thakkar, Aliko Dangote, Pascal dozie, Brian Voakes and
Chief Joe Asien. All these men have touched my life in one way
or the other, some more directly than even
they realize, but they have
excelled in their fields and raised the bar to new heights for us
as Africans.
Where is this business
going to and when are you
getting there?
The story
of our business is still being written and we plan to grow
the largest beverage company in West
Africa. We have the support
of the industry leaders, the marketers and we have built a trusted company, one that people can trust and
believe in.
As for when
we will get there, when the
time is right, but we
plan on moving and growing fast. Ecommerce
is one of the fastest
growing sectors today; One for the future.



What has been your biggest challenge
so far and how have you managed it?
Our biggest
challenge is time; we wish we
had more time in the day to
get things done.
Within the internet world, time is everything and speed of execution is what
makes the difference
between winning and losing.
What is the sweetest
part of running
your own business?
can quite easily say that I wake up every morning
doing what I love doing more than anything; I live and breathe this business and genuinely want to build a long
lasting business which will sever
the people of this great nation.


feels great being able to dedicate
yourself to something without feeling
like you have not given anything up and I
feel like that daily.


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