<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:sy="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/" > <channel> <title> Comments on: Q3 2019: UBA GROWS NET PROFIT BY 32.3%, AS GROSS EARNINGS HIT N428.22 BILLION </title> <atom:link href="https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-32-3-as-gross-earnings-hit-n428-22-billion/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-32-3-as-gross-earnings-hit-n428-22-billion/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-32-3-as-gross-earnings-hit-n428-22-billion</link> <description>UBA Official Blog</description> <lastBuildDate>Thu, 28 Dec 2023 22:47:37 +0000</lastBuildDate> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <generator>https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2</generator> <item> <title> By: Lisa oney </title> <link>https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-32-3-as-gross-earnings-hit-n428-22-billion/#comment-45978</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Lisa oney]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 28 Dec 2023 22:47:37 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/2019/10/23/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-as/#comment-45978</guid> <description><![CDATA[God bless DR.AKHIGBE for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES VIRUS since 2015 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about DR.AKHIGBE how he cured HERPES with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as instructed, in 2 weeks i was totally cured. if you need herbal cure contact dr.akhigbe on his WhatsAPP number: +2349021374574 because he has a solution to all your problems. Email drakhigbeherbalhome5@gmail.com..]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>God bless DR.AKHIGBE for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES VIRUS since 2015 and I was taking my medications, I wasn’t satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about DR.AKHIGBE how he cured HERPES with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as instructed, in 2 weeks i was totally cured. if you need herbal cure contact dr.akhigbe on his WhatsAPP number: +2349021374574 because he has a solution to all your problems. Email <a href="mailto:drakhigbeherbalhome5@gmail.com">drakhigbeherbalhome5@gmail.com</a>..</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: allen </title> <link>https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-32-3-as-gross-earnings-hit-n428-22-billion/#comment-26985</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[allen]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 09 Apr 2021 23:33:27 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/2019/10/23/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-as/#comment-26985</guid> <description><![CDATA[I want to let the world know about Dr Osebor herbal cure he is 100% Guarantee sure to cure your. HIV/AIDS ,He is the only person that i can boldly say he can cure any types of Diseases.i was having HIV for more than 8 years when i meant Dr Osebor online on how he has cured so many people and how greatly he has helped many individuals online,so i contacted him and explained my situation to him and behold i was cure with his herbal medicine and now am living happily, so to anyone having issues on hiv/aids or other disease challenges i advised that you contacthim via email oseborwinbacktemple@gmail.com for whatsapp +2348073245515 he can also cure any disease such as(1) HIV/AIDS(2) HEPATITIS B,(3)DIABETICS,(4)CANCER,(5)HERPES(6)He can also bring back your ex lover,(7)LOVE SPELL,(7)PENIS ENLARGEMENT He is the great man and kind person. Dr Osebor thank you ones more for curing my HIV/AIDS, i own you in return. Thanks and be blessed Dr Osebor.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I want to let the world know about Dr Osebor herbal cure he is 100% Guarantee sure to cure your. HIV/AIDS ,He is the only person that i can boldly say he can cure any types of Diseases.i was having HIV for more than 8 years when i meant Dr Osebor online on how he has cured so many people and how greatly he has helped many individuals online,so i contacted him and explained my situation to him and behold i was cure with his herbal medicine and now am living happily, so to anyone having issues on hiv/aids or other disease challenges i advised that you contacthim via email <a href="mailto:oseborwinbacktemple@gmail.com">oseborwinbacktemple@gmail.com</a> for whatsapp +2348073245515 he can also cure any disease such as(1) HIV/AIDS(2) HEPATITIS B,(3)DIABETICS,(4)CANCER,(5)HERPES(6)He can also bring back your ex lover,(7)LOVE SPELL,(7)PENIS ENLARGEMENT He is the great man and kind person. Dr Osebor thank you ones more for curing my HIV/AIDS, i own you in return. Thanks and be blessed Dr Osebor.</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: sandra lopez </title> <link>https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-32-3-as-gross-earnings-hit-n428-22-billion/#comment-21894</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[sandra lopez]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2020 06:08:00 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/2019/10/23/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-as/#comment-21894</guid> <description><![CDATA[I was searching for help on the internet to get my ex husband back after he divorced me 5 months ago, i came across so many testimonies from different people and they are all talking about this wonderful man called Doctor silver on how he help them to save their marriage and relationships and i also contact him on his email (drsilverhealingtemple@gmail.com) and explain my problem to him and he did a nice job by helping me to get my divorced husband back within 48 hours.. I never believe that such things like this can be possible but now i am a living testimony to it because Doctor silver actually brought my lover back, If you are having any relationship problems why not contact Doctor silver for help via email: drsilverhealingtemple@gmail.com or whatsapp +2348123877102 Then i promise you that after 48 hours you will have reasons to celebrate like me.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I was searching for help on the internet to get my ex husband back after he divorced me 5 months ago, i came across so many testimonies from different people and they are all talking about this wonderful man called Doctor silver on how he help them to save their marriage and relationships and i also contact him on his email (drsilverhealingtemple@gmail.com) and explain my problem to him and he did a nice job by helping me to get my divorced husband back within 48 hours.. I never believe that such things like this can be possible but now i am a living testimony to it because Doctor silver actually brought my lover back, If you are having any relationship problems why not contact Doctor silver for help via email: <a href="mailto:drsilverhealingtemple@gmail.com">drsilverhealingtemple@gmail.com</a> or whatsapp +2348123877102 Then i promise you that after 48 hours you will have reasons to celebrate like me.</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: Caro Alvarez </title> <link>https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-32-3-as-gross-earnings-hit-n428-22-billion/#comment-21333</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Caro Alvarez]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 30 Oct 2020 10:46:16 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/2019/10/23/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-as/#comment-21333</guid> <description><![CDATA[Ik heb veel te zeggen, maar geen tijd, want ik las over iedereen die mijn verhaal had kunnen schrijven. Heel dankbaar om hier te zijn. Toen mijn man wegging, had ik zin om te sterven. toen we vorige week reden en hij geeft me een schouderklopje. we zijn al heel lang niet zo gelukkig geweest, hij was betoverd door een meisje dat hij ontmoette tijdens een zakenreis naar Bolivia en hij behandelde mijzelf en onze dochter op een wrede manier ons verlaten zonder enige financiële bron ik neem het hem niet kwalijk, want hij was niet bij zijn volle verstand, allemaal dankzij Dr. Ajayi die hielp een spreuk uit te voeren om hem bij ons terug te krijgen, als je het moeilijk hebt omdat je het gedrag van je echtgenoot in je huwelijk niet meer begrijpt of als je gaat scheiden en nodig hebt je ex-man of vrouw terug of je maakt moeilijke tijden door in je relatie en hebt een snelle oplossing nodig, je kunt dr. Ajayi bereiken op zijn e-mail Drajayi1990@gmail.com OF Whatsapp / Viber +2347084887094. Ik beloof dat je hier terug zult komen om hem ook te bedanken]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Ik heb veel te zeggen, maar geen tijd, want ik las over iedereen die mijn verhaal had kunnen schrijven. Heel dankbaar om hier te zijn. Toen mijn man wegging, had ik zin om te sterven. toen we vorige week reden en hij geeft me een schouderklopje. we zijn al heel lang niet zo gelukkig geweest, hij was betoverd door een meisje dat hij ontmoette tijdens een zakenreis naar Bolivia en hij behandelde mijzelf en onze dochter op een wrede manier ons verlaten zonder enige financiële bron ik neem het hem niet kwalijk, want hij was niet bij zijn volle verstand, allemaal dankzij Dr. Ajayi die hielp een spreuk uit te voeren om hem bij ons terug te krijgen, als je het moeilijk hebt omdat je het gedrag van je echtgenoot in je huwelijk niet meer begrijpt of als je gaat scheiden en nodig hebt je ex-man of vrouw terug of je maakt moeilijke tijden door in je relatie en hebt een snelle oplossing nodig, je kunt dr. Ajayi bereiken op zijn e-mail <a href="mailto:Drajayi1990@gmail.com">Drajayi1990@gmail.com</a> OF Whatsapp / Viber +2347084887094. Ik beloof dat je hier terug zult komen om hem ook te bedanken</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: allen </title> <link>https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-32-3-as-gross-earnings-hit-n428-22-billion/#comment-21155</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[allen]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 27 Oct 2020 12:44:16 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/2019/10/23/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-as/#comment-21155</guid> <description><![CDATA[I’m indeed very happy for the great help that Dr Osebor rendered to me,I was diagnosed with HSV 2 on July 7, 2017 and I have tried all possible means to get cure but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum concerning herbal doctor Dr Osebor, who prepares herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases/Infection including Herpes Simplex virus Type 2, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbal doctor via his email,oseborwinbacktemple@gmail.com He assured me of a cure, he prepared a herbal medicine and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me instructions on how to use it, when i applied it as instructed, i was cured of this deadly virus within 18 days of usage,he told me to go for a medical check up and i went for test, I couldn't believe i was negative and the HERPES VIRUS in my body got cured, I and my family are so happy and grateful to God for using Dr Osebor to Liberate me. Reach Out to this great herbal doctor via his email : oseborwinbacktemple@gmail.com you can also reach him on WhatsApp +2348073245515]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I’m indeed very happy for the great help that Dr Osebor rendered to me,I was diagnosed with HSV 2 on July 7, 2017 and I have tried all possible means to get cure but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum concerning herbal doctor Dr Osebor, who prepares herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases/Infection including Herpes Simplex virus Type 2, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbal doctor via his email,oseborwinbacktemple@gmail.com He assured me of a cure, he prepared a herbal medicine and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me instructions on how to use it, when i applied it as instructed, i was cured of this deadly virus within 18 days of usage,he told me to go for a medical check up and i went for test, I couldn’t believe i was negative and the HERPES VIRUS in my body got cured, I and my family are so happy and grateful to God for using Dr Osebor to Liberate me. Reach Out to this great herbal doctor via his email : <a href="mailto:oseborwinbacktemple@gmail.com">oseborwinbacktemple@gmail.com</a> you can also reach him on WhatsApp +2348073245515</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: MATT </title> <link>https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-32-3-as-gross-earnings-hit-n428-22-billion/#comment-21111</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[MATT]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 26 Oct 2020 16:08:10 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/2019/10/23/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-as/#comment-21111</guid> <description><![CDATA[I am Matt Myles. i won EuroMillions Millionaire Raffle prize of £1,000,000 in April 2020, I took an advice from some person who talked about this great spell caster, the person placed a testimony on a blog saying how this priest helped him win the lottery by sending him the winning numbers, i was curious and i thought it was all joke not until i contacted this priest to know for myself how this work cos i have spend alots buying tickets and i never win. I contacted him and he told me the necessary thing that need to be done and i did it and he told me to wait for 3 days and on the 3rd day he truly gave me the winning numbers to play the lottery which i did, Can you believe my name was the first among winners. He told me my son all i need you to do for me is make sure that you share this testimony to others in need of help so that they can also win the lottery. I am sharing this testimony with everyone who needs help to win lottery. Contact this great priest through his email address priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com or whatsApp +2348100368288 and your financial problem will be solved forever.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I am Matt Myles. i won EuroMillions Millionaire Raffle prize of £1,000,000 in April 2020, I took an advice from some person who talked about this great spell caster, the person placed a testimony on a blog saying how this priest helped him win the lottery by sending him the winning numbers, i was curious and i thought it was all joke not until i contacted this priest to know for myself how this work cos i have spend alots buying tickets and i never win. I contacted him and he told me the necessary thing that need to be done and i did it and he told me to wait for 3 days and on the 3rd day he truly gave me the winning numbers to play the lottery which i did, Can you believe my name was the first among winners. He told me my son all i need you to do for me is make sure that you share this testimony to others in need of help so that they can also win the lottery. I am sharing this testimony with everyone who needs help to win lottery. Contact this great priest through his email address <a href="mailto:priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com">priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com</a> or whatsApp +2348100368288 and your financial problem will be solved forever.</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: MATT </title> <link>https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-32-3-as-gross-earnings-hit-n428-22-billion/#comment-21110</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[MATT]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 26 Oct 2020 16:05:55 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/2019/10/23/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-as/#comment-21110</guid> <description><![CDATA[I am Matt Myles. i won EuroMillions Millionaire Raffle prize of £1,000,000 in April 2020, I took an advice from some person who talked about this great spell caster, the person placed a testimony on a blog saying how this priest helped him win the lottery by sending him the winning numbers, i was curious and i thought it was all joke not until i contacted this priest to know for myself how this work cos i have spend alots buying tickets and i never win. I contacted him and he told me the necessary thing that need to be done and i did it and he told me to wait for 3 days and on the 3rd day he truly gave me the winning numbers to play the lottery which i did, Can you believe my name was the first among winners. He told me my son all i need you to do for me is make sure that you share this testimony to others in need of help so that they can also win the lottery. I am sharing this testimony with everyone who needs help to win lottery. Contact this great priest through his email address priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com or whatsApp +2348100368288 and your financial problem will be solved forever.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I am Matt Myles. i won EuroMillions Millionaire Raffle prize of £1,000,000 in April 2020, I took an advice from some person who talked about this great spell caster, the person placed a testimony on a blog saying how this priest helped him win the lottery by sending him the winning numbers, i was curious and i thought it was all joke not until i contacted this priest to know for myself how this work cos i have spend alots buying tickets and i never win. I contacted him and he told me the necessary thing that need to be done and i did it and he told me to wait for 3 days and on the 3rd day he truly gave me the winning numbers to play the lottery which i did, Can you believe my name was the first among winners. He told me my son all i need you to do for me is make sure that you share this testimony to others in need of help so that they can also win the lottery. I am sharing this testimony with everyone who needs help to win lottery. Contact this great priest through his email address <a href="mailto:priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com">priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com</a> or whatsApp +2348100368288 and your financial problem will be solved forever.</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: Cassandra Sanchez </title> <link>https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-32-3-as-gross-earnings-hit-n428-22-billion/#comment-21086</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Cassandra Sanchez]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 26 Oct 2020 07:37:02 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/2019/10/23/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-as/#comment-21086</guid> <description><![CDATA[Are you looking for a way to restore back your broken relationship? If yes help has come your way i got a testimony online about Dr.Nana how he helped someone to get back his ex wife and i contacted him for help also, I am so happy that right now my husband is back to me with so much love and happiness with the help of Dr.Nana if you need help in getting your ex or to fix your relationship back, you can contact him he will help you just the same way he helped me brought back my husband after 1 year of separation contact him today and be happy in your relationship you can email him on nanakwakuspiritualist(at) gmail.com Call or WhatsApp +2349029905501]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Are you looking for a way to restore back your broken relationship? If yes help has come your way i got a testimony online about Dr.Nana how he helped someone to get back his ex wife and i contacted him for help also, I am so happy that right now my husband is back to me with so much love and happiness with the help of Dr.Nana if you need help in getting your ex or to fix your relationship back, you can contact him he will help you just the same way he helped me brought back my husband after 1 year of separation contact him today and be happy in your relationship you can email him on nanakwakuspiritualist(at) gmail.com Call or WhatsApp +2349029905501</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: brown christ </title> <link>https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-32-3-as-gross-earnings-hit-n428-22-billion/#comment-21076</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[brown christ]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 26 Oct 2020 03:57:39 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/2019/10/23/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-as/#comment-21076</guid> <description><![CDATA[i will love to share my testimony to you all the people in world i got married to my husband about 2 year ago we start having problems at home like we stop sleeping on the same bed,fighting about little things he always comes home late at night,drinking too much and sleeping with other women out side i have never love any man in my life except him. he is the father of my child and i don't want to loose him because we have worked so hard together to become what we are and have today .few month ago he now decided to live me and the kid,being a single mother can be hard sometimes and so i have nobody to turn to and i was heart broken. i called my mom and explain every thing to her, my mother told me about DR timan how he helped her solve the problem between her and my dad i was surprise about it because they have been without each other for three and a half years and it was like a miracle how they came back to each other. i was directed to DR timan on his email:(drtiman0@gmail.com explain everything to him,so he promise me not to worry that he will cast a spell and make things come back to how we where so much in love again and that it was another female spirit that was controlling my husband he told me that my problem will be solved within two days if i believe i said OK So he cast a spell for me and after two days my love came back asking me to forgive him i Am so happy now. so that why i decided to share my experience with every body that have such problem contact DR timan the great spell caster on his email addresses (drtiman0@gmail.com ) and get your healing. He has cure for other deadly diseases like Herpes, Hiv/Aids, STD , Hepatitis , Cancer , COVID 19 VIRUS, Fix Broken marriage , Looking for a child he can still do that for you .]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>i will love to share my testimony to you all the people in world i got married to my husband about 2 year ago we start having problems at home like we stop sleeping on the same bed,fighting about little things he always comes home late at night,drinking too much and sleeping with other women out side i have never love any man in my life except him. he is the father of my child and i don’t want to loose him because we have worked so hard together to become what we are and have today .few month ago he now decided to live me and the kid,being a single mother can be hard sometimes and so i have nobody to turn to and i was heart broken. i called my mom and explain every thing to her, my mother told me about DR timan how he helped her solve the problem between her and my dad i was surprise about it because they have been without each other for three and a half years and it was like a miracle how they came back to each other. i was directed to DR timan on his email:(drtiman0@gmail.com explain everything to him,so he promise me not to worry that he will cast a spell and make things come back to how we where so much in love again and that it was another female spirit that was controlling my husband he told me that my problem will be solved within two days if i believe i said OK So he cast a spell for me and after two days my love came back asking me to forgive him i Am so happy now. so that why i decided to share my experience with every body that have such problem contact DR timan the great spell caster on his email addresses (drtiman0@gmail.com ) and get your healing. He has cure for other deadly diseases like Herpes, Hiv/Aids, STD , Hepatitis , Cancer , COVID 19 VIRUS, Fix Broken marriage , Looking for a child he can still do that for you .</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: SKYLA JONES </title> <link>https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-32-3-as-gross-earnings-hit-n428-22-billion/#comment-21073</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[SKYLA JONES]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 26 Oct 2020 03:07:27 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.ubagroup.com/57-marina/2019/10/23/q3-2019-uba-grows-net-profit-by-323-as/#comment-21073</guid> <description><![CDATA[I will forever be indebted to the great Doctor Ifade for fixing my broken marriage after my husband left me for his mistress for 6 months. I never believed in spells until my friend introduced me to him. At first, I was skeptical about him because I heard a lot about false spell casters but I put my doubts behind me because I was desperate to get my husband back and I did according to what he instructed me to do. Now my husband is back just within 48 hours of contacting him. I'm living happily with my husband again after 6 months of divorce and I will not rest till he's known all over the world. He's also specialize in money spells, lottery spells, sickness spells E.T.C. Get connected with Doctor Ifade now, his email is ifadesolutionspell31 @gmail com or WhatsApp on +2349060120490 < ]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I will forever be indebted to the great Doctor Ifade for fixing my broken marriage after my husband left me for his mistress for 6 months. I never believed in spells until my friend introduced me to him. At first, I was skeptical about him because I heard a lot about false spell casters but I put my doubts behind me because I was desperate to get my husband back and I did according to what he instructed me to do. Now my husband is back just within 48 hours of contacting him. I’m living happily with my husband again after 6 months of divorce and I will not rest till he’s known all over the world. He’s also specialize in money spells, lottery spells, sickness spells E.T.C. Get connected with Doctor Ifade now, his email is ifadesolutionspell31 @gmail com or WhatsApp on +2349060120490 < </p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> </channel> </rss>