Meet Chioma Mang. A true self-motivated and
dedicated woman who has worked very hard for her success. Chioma holds the fort
in Gabon as the MD/CEO.
Chioma initially wanted to be a Judge growing
up. However, she started her banking career in the Treasury department of Midas
Merchant Bank as a Corp member in 1990 right after her Bar Education in Lagos.
She later joined Chartered Bank where she moved through the ranks in various
capacities in operations and marketing. She joined the UBA family in 1999 and
has worked from PCM to BM to Sector Head to RD, MD/CEO Liberia and now Gabon.
Chioma sat with us to share insights and knowledge
on becoming a successful career woman
How have you balanced work and
personal life in becoming successful? 
Truly, this is one of the hardest
things to achieve as a wife and mother as the work is highly demanding. So, you
learn to have effective management of your time as every second is precious. I
have been able to achieve a balance with strong family support and
To be a great leader, what are
some essential traits women should have?
To be successful you must firm up
your Emotional Intelligence in dealing with people and situations, be a good
decision maker and equip yourself with the requisite knowledge which builds
what I call the 3-Cs of Competence, Communication and Confidence.
What more do you think can be done
to promote women’s development in the workplace?
Organizations should make a
conscious effort to have gender parity especially at executive management
levels. If it is embedded as a policy, then it will be easier to measure.
After all the success, what do you struggle with now?
Less time
with my family and friends.
What advice would you give to your
younger self and other young women?
Always stand up for yourself! It
is okay to make mistakes but do not dwell on them, always keep moving!
How would you describe yourself in
3 words?
Passionate, Committed and Humane



  1. Truly, this is one of the hardest things to achieve as a wife and mother as the work is highly demanding. So, you learn to have effective management of your time as every second is precious. I have been able to achieve a balance with strong family support and understanding. MS-900 exam dumps


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