fathers witnessed the presence of their fathers their entire lives while some
didn’t benefit from the firsthand parental advice that’s often passed down to
grown children who are expecting. 

Regardless, you’ve turned out to be great
sons to your fathers and now, are being the best dads to your children.

making them laugh, to all of your “great” jokes, to teaching them the most
mundane things like changing a bulb, to turning off the light, to changing car
tyres and clearing the clogs in the kitchen sink- essential life skills your
father taught you. We appreciate all of the effort you put into making these
little ones better humans.

honor of father’s day, we’ve put together some fatherhood moments your dad
probably experienced with you and now, you are experiencing with your children.
1. You’ll probably never get your dream
car till the kids are grown.
have always admired batman and his taste in the finest things of life. “I’ll
own one of these” you say to yourself, until the baby comes and you are trading
your salon car for a space bus (that’ll forever house parts of a toy and a
smell that’ll eventually become normal) with the money you were saving to buy
off batman’s car.
at you, being grown and responsible and sacrificing your dream car for your
babies- Your dads did it too. We are proud of you!
are a hero to your kids and they believe any crazy story you tell them.
when you finally realized that your dad never really fought a lion to save all
the children in wakanda? And that your father made up these stories but you
still believed him.
see you doing a great job with the crazy stories you tell your kids. You will
forever be their hero!
2. You are constantly looking for
some reason, your child believes that either everything belongs in their mouth,
is a canvas or should be flushed down the toilet including the international
passport you were sure you kept on the table 1 minute before you went in to
look for your car keys which you thought was on the TV stand.
babies they said, it would be fun they said. Now you are running late for that
meeting and you can’t find your keys!
3. Your new idea of a happy hour is ‘the
baby is asleep’.
night, you are counting the minutes, singing lots of songs and making funny
faces all in the name of trying to get your baby down as quickly as possible so
you can sneak back to bed. But guess who decides to calm in your arms, and
nuzzle their face into your chest while their tiny fingers grip your thumb
tight as they fall asleep?  You realize
nothing could be more peaceful. We agree.
4. Your favorite words are ‘Ask your
you ever wonder why for every question you asked your dad, he’d almost
immediately reply “Ask your mother” without looking at you?
tell us, what did you say to your 5-year-old when she asked why she can’t wear
the pink top with her favorite orange skirt and her school shoes to church
5. You have to constantly remind your
kids who is in charge.
can’t remember how many times you had to tell your sons not to jump on the
sofas or tell your girls the pillows are not rugs yet they keep doing it. So
you proceed to give them the
their-house lecture.
see you crammed the words from your daddy’s lecture.
6. “everything – EVERY-THING – is a
will be kids and we appreciate that you take time to try and make things more
fun. Sometimes it’s a good thing and sometimes it’s just a train wreck. For
example, turning picking up the toys into a first-to-finish game is good. On
the other hand, realizing that your child heard ‘jump’ instead of ‘get off the
dining table’ will almost give you a heart attack because your child is on the
floor. Laughing.
just no rational explanation to some of things that your kids make you do or
even the ones you’ve made your Dad do, but it takes a lot to be a father and we
want you to know that you are doing a great job and we love you.
Father’s day ‘dada



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