UBA celebrates 10 years in Ghana in style

UBA Ghana
celebrated its 10th anniversary last week. 
UBA Ghana, which
opened in January 2005, was the first step in UBA’s pan-African strategy, the
beginning of what has been an extraordinary journey, with UBA now present in 19
African counties, as well as New York, Paris and London.
L-R: DMD, UBA Ghana, Usman Isiaka; Group Director, Finance, Heirs
Holdings, Victor Osadolor; UBA Chairman, Tony O. Elumelu and  DMD/CEO, UBA
Africa, Kennedy Uzoka
This significant
anniversary was marked by a series of events in Accra, Ghana, that highlighted
UBA’s commitment to providing superlative financial solutions and services,
championing clients large and small and giving back to the wider community.
The Board of
Directors of UBA group, for the first time in the Bank’s history, chose Accra as
the location for a board meeting to illustrate UBA’s ongoing
commitment to its Pan-African agenda.
Although, proud of
the Bank’s Nigerian heritage, UBA’s ambition is pan-African, an agent to shape
of Africa’s destiny, helping increase trade, break down barriers and fund
According to the
Chairman of UBA plc, Mr. Tony Elumelu, as he spoke to the Ghanaian audience
during the anniversary celebrations “We do banking the way we do, because we
want to unite Africa to the world”.

Mr Elumelu along
with a delegation of UBA Ghana and UBA group board members also had the
privilege of an audience with President John Mahama of the Republic of Ghana.
L-R: UBA Chairman, Tony O. Elumelu and Dr. Mustapha Ahmed,
Minister of Sports, Ghana
Discussions focused
on exploring ways in which UBA could effectively partner with the Ghanaian
government, in its aims to create a dynamic nation, which cements its position
as an economic power house in Africa.
The Board also
attended the Accra Academy, for the Read Africa Event. Read Africa is a
pioneering initiative, run by the UBA Foundation that seeks to encourage young
people to read widely and in particular authors from the African continent. The
Accra event was graced with the presence of the celebrated author, Ama Ata
Aidoo, who read excerpts from her book The Girl Who Can, together with UBA’s
Executive Director of Resources, Obi Ibikwe.


L-R: ED Resources, Obi Ibekwe; DMD/CEO, UBA Africa, Kennedy Uzoka;
Director, Foluke Abdul-razaq; GMD/CEO, Phillips Oduoza; Governor, Central Bank
of Ghana, Dr. Kofo Henry Wampah; MD/CEO, UBA Ghana, Abiola Bawuah; UBA Ghana
Board Chairman, Kenneth Orji; Director, Rose Okwechime; UBA Chairman, Tony O.
Elumelu, CON and Director, Ja’afaru Aliyu Paki
The event which was
attended by school children from Accra Academy and Accra Wesley Girls’ High
School, saw the young children inspired by the speeches they listened to,
as they each received a copy of the book, courtesy of UBA Foundation. The
programme highlighted the importance of life-long learning and the cultivation of a
habit of seeking knowledge.
The celebrations
concluded with UBA Ghana holding a Black Tie Gala at the newly opened Kempinski
Hotel in Accra. In attendance were Ghana’s financial and business elites,
including the Governor of the Central Bank of Ghana, as well as the Board of
Directors of both UBA group and UBA Ghana, and the bank’s most loyal customers
and longstanding staff members.
Dancers performing at the event
The evening’s theme
of a decade of achievements was illustrated evocatively through poetry, music
and dance. Mr. Elumelu used the occasion to thank Ghana for welcoming UBA.
 “It has been a privilege to serve you for the
last ten years and all of us at UBA look forward to serving you for many years
to come” he said.
A special Citation
was awarded to Dr Awele Elumelu, a pioneer board member of UBA Ghana. Other
pioneer staff were also acknowledged for their long term of service to UBA



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