UBA implements automated salary payment for Kaduna workers


The Government of Kaduna State is
set to eliminate ghost workers, improve the processing times and transparency
of its pay roll as United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc has started the automation
of payroll and salary payment of about 60,000 employees of Kaduna State on the
bank’s award winning U-Payroll platform.


The process began on Wednesday, June
24, 2015 with the bank taking employees details and finger prints for monthly
verification and payment of their salaries.
The adoption of U-Payroll is a bold
step by the Kaduna State Government to shorten the administrating time for
processing of salary and tax deductions, and eliminates ghost workers from its
pay roll.
UBA’s award winning U-Payroll
platform is a client server based solution that automates the entire value
chain in salary administration starting with the management of HR information,
automated payroll processing, payments of salaries into the accounts of
beneficiaries, reports rendition, and remittance of statutory deductions and
encashment of salaries.
Implementing U-Pay eliminates the
“Ghost worker” syndrome especially in the public sector and eliminates errors
in salary administration. It also helps the corporate and the public sector
build historical, auditable track of all payments, statutory and otherwise.
U-Pay automates generation of
deduction reports, and submission of returns and compliance reports to the
Federal, State and Local governments in Nigeria, fast tracking the process,
saving manpower hours and reducing avoidable errors. Employees are also enabled
to view and print their pay slips.
U-Pay is fully web based and
accessible by authorised personnel online globally. This improves
accountability and fast tracks the approval process. It also enables instant
notification via e-mail and SMS to beneficiaries of payments or
To improve workers welfare and
ensure they always have money to meet their financial needs, UBA has also
extended to all of the State’s employees with salary accounts in UBA, its
innovative U-Advance credit card.
The “U-Advance Credit Card,” is a
payment card that allows workers who operate a salary account with UBA get a
credit advance ahead of pay-day. With UBA’s U-Advance card, the pressure of
waiting to be paid so that emergency expenses can be taken care of is removed.
It is an ideal card for civil servants especially in these periods when many
state governments are struggling to regularly pay salaries of civil servants.
U-Advance Credit Card, like all of
UBA’s credit and debit cards,  is also accepted across the 18 African
countries outside Nigeria that the Bank operates in addition to over 30 million
merchants’ locations around the world.  It is an ideal travel companion
during the summer holidays for civil servants taking a break within or outside
the country or needing emergency cash.
UBA Group is known to have a highly
secured and innovative e-banking platform. The Group has a strong retail
franchise across the continent offering its more than eight million customers a
bouquet of products and services tailored to meet their different financial
A leading player on the African
continent, UBA has significant market share and operations in 19 different
African countries, with business offices in New York, Paris and a subsidiary in



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