UBA’s Health is wealth program was a success

Jogging to Bond is a themed event that lets the staff enjoy the outdoor and workout. The whole idea behind the games is to ensure that a work-life balance includes a healthy, stable and robust life.
This year the teams were separated into 4 groups at the Lagos event going off the Game of Throne families; Lannisters, Starks, Whitewalkers and Taergayreyens teams battled for winning positions and allowed for groups to bond, build team spirit and offer support.

Across the group, other subsidiaries also joined in the fun, with family and colleagues. From football to basketball; Tennis to Tug of War, cycling and aerobics,  the teams put their best foot forward and this years success of Jogging2Bond was just as good as the others.






We look forward to another successful and eventful time with colleagues next year


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