Yesterday was Valentine’s Day. It is a day earmarked for the celebration of love, and what better way to honour it than by delving into the heartwarming tales of how couples met? Each love story is unique, often filled with unexpected twists, chance encounters, and serendipitous moments. We asked people how they met the love of their lives, and here is what they said.

Can you share the story of how you and your partner first met?

Johnson Abah- Humanitarian worker

“Well, it’s actually a bit of a funny story. We met at a mutual friend’s party. I remember being introduced to her, and we immediately hit it off. We ended up talking all night, and by the end of the evening, I knew there was something special about her. It was like we just clicked, you know?”

Nancy Ajegba – Content Creator

“Our first encounter was quite serendipitous. We met while I was still in school in the States at a coffee shop where we both happened to be regulars. I remember noticing him from across the room and feeling this instant connection. We struck up a conversation over our shared love for a particular author (Sidney Sheldon), and from there, the rest is history. It was as if fate had brought us together in that moment.”

Funmi Latona – Banker

“Our story began at the university. We were both enrolled in the same class, and our professor assigned us as lab partners for a semester-long project. At first, it was purely academic, but as we spent more time together working on our project, we discovered that we had so much in common. Our friendship blossomed into something more, and before we knew it, we were inseparable.”

Abiodun Salako- Communications Expert

“Our paths crossed at Jabi Motor Park in Abuja. She had just arrived from a journey and was struggling with the bag of yams she had. I helped her put it into the vehicle. Luckily for me, we ended up in the same vehicle. I alighted before her at Karu while she proceeded to Jikwoyi, but I made sure I collected her number before I alighted as a sharp guy. I called her that same day and we ended up talking for hours despite her complaint of tiredness from the journey. By the end of that conversation, I knew I had found someone truly special. I invited her out on a date that weekend and she said yes almost immediately.”

Cynthia Onwu- Teacher

“We met through a dating app, believe it or not. I had been hesitant about online dating, but when I saw his profile, something just drew me in. We started chatting, and before long, we decided to meet up for dinner. From the moment we sat down together, I felt like I had known him forever. It was like meeting an old friend rather than a stranger from the internet.

Wow! Such heartwarming stories. As we celebrate the Valentine’s season, let’s embrace the beauty of these love stories and cherish the moments that bring us closer to our soulmates.

Read Also: Love is in the Air: What’s Your Love Language