Campus Ambassadors Agreement

UBA Campus Ambassador programme offers a unique opportunity to students of tertiary institutions in Nigeria and across Africa

UBA NextGen Campus Ambassador Agreement

This Agreement is made between UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA PLC of UBA House, 57, Marina, Lagos (hereinafter referred to as “UBA”, which expression shall where the context so admits include its successors in title and assigns) of the one part AND the individual of the tertiary institution as stated (hereinafter referred to as “the Ambassador”) of the other part;


1. UBA has indicated that it intends to appoint students of tertiary institutions who are dynamic, forward-thinking, and youthful, as NextGen Campus Ambassadors to continuously identify new and innovative ways to increase UBA’s reach to undergraduates.

2. To enable UBA to identify students suitable for this, UBA has set up a link on its website where interested students would fill forms, upload videos, and take other steps set out therein to indicate interest.

3. The Ambassador applied to be chosen as one of UBA NextGen Campus Ambassadors.

4. After reviewing the forms and other documentation/records provided by the Ambassador, UBA has determined that the Ambassador appears to reasonably meet UBA’s criteria for its Campus Ambassadors.

5. UBA has decided to appoint the Ambassador and the Ambassador has agreed to act as UBA’s Campus Ambassador on the terms and conditions set out herein.

6. UBA would be providing the below to the Ambassadors upon satisfaction based on the terms and condition set out:

  •       6.1 Every Ambassador would obtain a monthly incentive of NGN 5,000 for mobile data and transportation expenses with effect from April 2021. Ambassadors would equally earn a referral bonus of N400 for each account referred by respective Ambassadors which is funded with a minimum of N1000
  •       6.2 UBA would be rewarding Ambassadors with a one-off average balance-based commission payment (capped at N30,000) for referring a minimum of 100 funded accounts over the 6months period.
  •       6.3 UBA would be holding NextGen pocket money draw for qualified Ambassadors monthly to select a winner.
  •       6.4 UBA would host skills workshops for Ambassadors

NOW it is hereby agreed as follows:

1. UBA hereby appoints the Ambassador as the UBA NextGen Campus Ambassador for the Campus later stated for 6 months in 2020/2021 Academic Session. The Ambassador hereby agrees to act exclusively as UBA’s NextGen Campus Ambassador in line with the terms of his/her appointment.

2. The Ambassador hereby confirms that he/she is a full-time undergraduate student and he/she is not in his/her final year of study.

3. The Ambassador hereby agrees that he/she shall:

  •        3.1 Learn about the innovative products and programs of UBA and assist to promote their awareness on the Campus and on social media
  •        3.2 Identify trends among students and how they can be leveraged to promote UBA and its brand or/and improve the features of UBA’s products/services
  •        3.3 Promote belief in UBA product benefits thereby reinforcing students’ long term loyalty to UBA and referring prospective customers to get the NextGen account
  •        3.4 Not accept any other Ambassador position with any brand for the tenure of his/her ambassadorship with UBA.
  •        3.5 Not to promote directly or indirectly another bank’s a product/service, events, and other activities sponsored by any other banks using any offline and online medium for the duration of the role,
  •        3.6 Serve as a link between UBA and student bodies within the institution
  •        3.7 Not have any offline and online affiliation with brands in direct competition with UBA, including MFB and other financial service institutions.
  •        3.8 Plan and host fun events on the Campus at which UBA and its product and services will be promoted
  •        3.9 Complete communication and reporting tasks associated with the role.
  •        3.10 Accept UBA’s use of pictures, videos, written articles, and other Communication materials featuring the Ambassador.

4. The Ambassador confirms that he/she:

  •        4.1 has a UBA NextGen account
  •        4.2 maintains good academic records
  •        4.3 is not currently an ambassador to any other brand/organization
  •        4.4 affirms that role as Campus Ambassador will not adversely affect academics
  •        4.5 possesses effective time management, organizational, leadership, and problem-solving skills
  •        4.6 has and shall continue to maintain strong written and verbal communication skills
  •        4.7 is active in relevant student organizations and programs that promote the right values and will be able to publicize UBA at such fora.
  •        4.8 is not involved in vices such as exam malpractices, cultism, prostitution, illegal drugs, or any such activities
  •        4.9 is not affiliated with any organization that promotes Ponzi schemes, prostitution, deal on unregulated unwholesome products, illegal drugs, firearms, and ammunition, or any similar activity.
  •        4.10 has a good reputation and is respected on the campus amongst students, lecturers, and other people in the campus community

5. The Ambassador shall uphold and abide by UBA’s core values of Enterprise, Excellence, and execution and shall comport himself/ herself in such a manner as to project these values, 6. In the event that the Ambassador contravenes articles 3, 4, and 5 of this Agreement, or behaves in such a manner, which in UBA’s sole opinion does not reflect the image or values of UBA, UBA shall be entitled to immediately terminate the appointment of the Ambassador with immediate effect.

7. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason or expiration of the term for which the Ambassador was appointed, the Ambassador shall cease to represent UBA on the Campus except with the prior written authorization of UBA.

8. UBA shall provide the Ambassador with the required resources to effectively carry out assigned duties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in the manner hereinafter appearing the day and year written below.

Signed for and on behalf of UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA, PLC

Osita Ede
Head, Personal Banking, Product
Development & Marketing

Arinze Eloka-Igbokwe
Children & Youth Segment Manager

By the below named Ambassador

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