By Gabriel Odang
They say ‘health is more important than wealth’, but most people tend to take this for granted until they actually fall ill. Some illnesses are preventable if you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Observing these 5 Ps will help you live in excellent health.
- Proper weight: You need to exercise regularly with discipline to achieve your proper weight. The payoff is tremendous; you will look good, feel good and generally feel more positive and in control of your life.
- Proper diet: Studies of Olympic athletes from more than 120 countries show they have three things in common: lean source protein; consume a wide variety of fruits and vegetables; and drink lots of water, about eight glasses per day.
Proper dieting such as this will make you feel more alert, awake and aware all day long.
- Proper exercise: Aerobic exercise is one of the best ways to exercise. You can also exercise by brisk walking, running, cycling or swimming.
Exercise physiologists have determined that the “exercise effect” kicks in at about twenty-five minutes of vigorous exercise. At this point, your brain releases endorphins that give you a feeling of elation, or what is called a “runner’s high.” This natural drug produced by your body can become addictive in a very positive way.
People who develop the habit of regular, vigorous exercise find that it becomes easier and easier to do. They begin to look forward to the feeling of happiness they enjoy as a result of exercising.
- Proper rest: More than 60 percent of adults suffer from “sleep deficit” because they do not get enough sleep. Your body requires about eight hours of sleep each night. If you keep getting less sleep than your body needs, you begin to build up this sleep deficit which can lead to poor performance, more mistakes, industrial accidents, car crashes, short tempers, personality problems, and many other difficulties.
In addition to sleep, you need regular breaks from work, like weekends and vacations. When you take time off from work, you allow your mental and emotional batteries to recharge. After a two-day weekend break, you get back to work well rested and ready to perform at your best.
- Proper attitude: This is perhaps the most important of all. The quality that is most predictive of health, happiness, and long life is “optimism.” As you become more optimistic about yourself and your life; your health will also be better in every area.
People who are positive and optimistic usually have stronger immune systems, and as a result they are seldom sick. They bounce back quickly from hard work or fatigue. An optimistic person has a built-in “shield” against many of the diseases and ailments that affect the average person.